
Starship robots are a staple on Purdue University’s campus. They’re in charge of delivering food from retail restaurants to students all over campus.


How could we repurpose these robots?

Overall Goals:

My Role: Project Manager

It was crucial to guide my team toward success through:

Personal Goals:

Other Project Contributions:


The Process

To approach this project, we started by researching the current state of Food Delivery Robots through interviews and literary reviews. This was done to understand how these robots worked and how they interacted with students at Purdue.

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Findings from Literary Reviews:

Findings from Interviews:

Initial Sketching & Ideation

Stemming from a simple idea thrown into the discussion by a team member, we settled on repurposing Starships as a safety companion on campus after ruling out other possible solutions.

It sounded great… except that it didn’t address the main goal of increasing student connection.

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To address this new problem, I suggested we make the safety companion a facilitator for group walks at night.