
Exercise 1 provided the opportunity to explore UX Design while working with a team. Each member was tasked with finding a current listing for their dream job and the qualifications that came with it. We then analyzed that data and conducted secondary research on articles about UX trends.

Overall Goals:

The goals of this exercise were to practice collaboration, researching, and being able to reflect on all of our findings while learning about ourselves, UX trends, and job requirements.

My Role: Project Manager

It was crucial to guide my team toward success through:

Other Project Contributions:


Step 1: Finding my Dream Job

I already knew I wanted to work in the banking industry due to my unexplained interest in banks from an early age.

Capital One’s UI had always stood out to me on ATMs so they were the first employer I thought of. I found a posting on their website called: Principal Associate Service Designer.

The job description checked all my boxes!


Step 2: Research

Affinity Diagramming of Job Listings

We took our job listing requirements and created an affinity diagram to understand what skills/requirements we would need as UX designers.

Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 11.58.29 PM.png

Literary Review/Article Research

Each team member researched two articles and wrote an overall summary to share findings and understand which trends to focus on as we progress through the UX field.